Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It's SNOWING in Dallas?.......Yes it is !

Yes it did as a matter of fact. In the Hyatt Regency Reunion last week (photo to follow shortly). To kick off the huge 4th quarter sales initiative for T-Mobile I was asked to host their awards ceremony as well as create the largest snowstorm I have ever done. It was breathtaking to see this massive ballroom filled with snow falling remarkably from the "sky". The special effect begins with a small amount of confetti but then truly takes on the form of 'snow' as the flakes that are falling evaporate as they fall and melt once they hit you. (The hotel was more than happy to hear that when discussing clean-up).

How'd we do it? Firstly, An incredible production team that arrived on Saturday and Sunday to begin setup (the event was Wednesday). My tech man in charge: Adam Cope, who became known as "Snowman" throughout the other production team members and hotel staff. Hat's off to you Adam for all your efforts and success. Others credits go to the event producer: Patrick Wall, Tech Director Jan Zabinski and Stage Manager Jim. Additional thanks to coordinators Chris Curry, Rebecca Garforth and Joe Cloud.

Thanks to T-Mobile as well for the opportunity to meet 1200 of your best sales team members and share with them Energy, Entertainment & Inspiration!